In the event that you are called upon to help people in your community find a place for emergency shelter or a warming center, I have compiled a current list. This is not a comprehensive list, but it covers all regions of the state.

Boston Emergency Shelters and other services for people experiencing homelessness

Berkshire County’s Servicenet Shelters

Cape Cod: Barnstable warming stations are available at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center, 8 AM-8 PM, Mon-Fri, and Barnstable Adult Community Center, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Tue-Fri.

Central MA: The Worcester Senior Center and the Worcester Public Library are warming centers. Open Sky Community Services operates a winter shelter. Families experiencing homelessness can contact Catholic Charities Worcester County for emergency shelter.

Martha’s Vineyard has daytime warming centers and emergency shelters.

Metrowest: Common Ground Resources, run by SMOC, runs three emergency shelters. Metrowest Care Connection provides a comprehensive list of shelters with phone numbers, addresses, and other details.

Nantucket: The Warming Place

Northshore: Mystic Valley Elder Services as compiled a list of overnight warming centers. Lifebridge Northshore provides shelter at several sites.

Southeast MA: South Shore Elder Services compiled a list of emergency shelters. The Acushnet Community Senior Center operates a warming center.

Western MA (Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden Counties): The Western MA Network to End Homeless has created a newly updated directory of shelter and warming sites across the four western counties here.

Warming center guidance from the state can be found here. Is your Senior Center also a warming center? It’s never a bad idea to review the best practices and take the time to get the word out to your community.