Let’s Talk About It Registration

Let’s Talk About It!

MCOA is kicking off our strategic initiative to Strengthen End-of-Life Conversations. We are excited to be offering these in-person programming & training sessions with Cheryl Botieri, MS, an End-of-Life Educator and Family Support Specialist.

Our first training will be: How to Organize & Lead Let’s Talk About It! Workshops & Programs. Cheryl will also be available to lead/facilitate/support any of the suggested programs or to develop another with your center.

Cost will be $20 per person and will include all materials and either lunch or breakfast!

Dates & Locations:

Harwich Council on Aging – Tuesday, July 9th from 1pm – 3pm

Please complete the following form to register for the in-person session with Cheryl Botieri.

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Please the municipality you work in.