Our behavioral health colleagues at the MA Association of Mental Health (MAMH) received a two-year grant from the Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds that will enable the MA Hoarding Resource Network to focus on stabilizing housing and strengthening eviction prevention for people living with hoarding disorder. The initiative will involve people with lived experience and other stakeholders and professionals working in housing, aging, behavioral health, human services, public safety and code enforcement, and academic researchers. They will collaborate and craft strategies for broad environmental and systemic change, working towards nuanced community responses to assisting MA residents whose housing is at risk.

The MAMH has created a webpage with a blog about the project, and they welcome ideas and information about relevant resources that you might know about.

The MAMH project coordinator for this is Cassie Cramer, who is also the project director of the Older Adult Behavioral Health Network.

For our September 12 Outreach Zoom Meeting, Cassie will conduct a listening session, seeking insights from COA staff members about assisting older residents whose accumulated belongings pose a danger and could lead to eviction or their homes being deemed uninhabitable.