MCOA and Dementia Friendly Massachusetts are co-sponsoring “Let’s Talk about Dementia and Culture 2024.”
This virtual symposium is brought to you by Dementia Friends Massachusetts, and will be held on Tuesday, October 29, 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Zoom.

This year’s theme is: Brain Health for All Communities.
Join researchers, advocates living with dementia, public health leaders, and community-based dementia educators as we explore current evidence-based tips for brain health, how these link to the structural and social determinants of health, and what research and life experience tell us about continuing to live well with a dementia diagnosis.

Register in advance on Zoom here. Attendance is free. CEUs will be available for a fee – check here for updates. Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, and captions in English and most other languages available.

Contact Beth at bsoltzberg@jfcsboston.orgwith questions.