Sep 3, 2024 | Education & Training, Events, Member Services, News
MCOA and Dementia Friendly Massachusetts are co-sponsoring “Let’s Talk about Dementia and Culture 2024.”
This virtual symposium is brought to you by Dementia Friends Massachusetts, and will be held on Tuesday, October 29, 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Zoom.
This year’s theme is: Brain Health for All Communities.
Join researchers, advocates living with dementia, public health leaders, and community-based dementia educators as we explore current evidence-based tips for brain health, how these link to the structural and social determinants of health, and what research and life experience tell us about continuing to live well with a dementia diagnosis.
Register in advance on Zoom here. Attendance is free. CEUs will be available for a fee – check here for updates. Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, and captions in English and most other languages available.
Contact Beth at bsoltzberg@jfcsboston.orgwith questions.

Aug 26, 2024 | Education & Training, Falls Prevention, Fitness, Healthy Aging, Malnutrition, Member Services, Nutrition, Public Health
ActiveAgers data is due in only a few weeks (September 15)! Remember to submit your data covering Jan 1 – Aug 30 to be eligible for individual and COA prizes. See p. 4 for details. Email them (and any questions) to Kudos to those who already submitted reports!
Feeding America Research Finds nearly 12 million adults 50+ experienced food insecurity in 2022. New research from Feeding America “estimates 1 in 11 [60y+] faced hunger in the United States in 2022.” These numbers are up from the previous year, and food insecurity can greatly impact the way we age. Nationwide, this percentage is 8.7% and in Massachusetts it’s 7.1%.
Malnutrition Awareness Week is September 16-20 – Use the special code MAW-MCOA to access complimentary webinars. Additional resources on ASPEN’s Spread the Word page to help you plan and promote Malnutrition Awareness Week include:
- A tip sheet and ambassador success stories for organizing MAW activities
- A media toolkit with tips for contacting local newspapers and TV and radio stations, a press release template, and prepared public service announcements (PSAs)
- Malnutrition Awareness Week stickers (PDF) in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. And if you’re in the U.S. or Canada, you can order pre-printed stickers by filling out this form.
How HIP Works: We are deep in produce harvest and farmers’ market season. Remember, if one has SNAP benefits, they automatically receive HIP benefits which boost purchases on fruits, vegetable, etc. Check out the video for a refresher on the program.
Falls Prevention Week is September 23-27 – In addition to NCOA’s toolkit, remember to access the free Stepping Up Your Nutrition workshop leader training.
An eLearning Library from the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders – includes modules such as:
May 30, 2024 | Education & Training, Events, News
Based on valuable feedback from our network, the MCOA is seeking proposals for facilitated round table discussions at the upcoming Fall Conference!
What are Facilitated Round Table Discussions?
These small-group sessions will provide a platform for in-depth conversations on specific issues. As the facilitator, you’ll guide the discussion, ensuring a productive and engaging experience for all participants. Network and connect with colleagues from across the state.
Examples of Possible Discussion Topics:
- Innovative Programs for Senior Wellness: Share successful initiatives that promote physical, mental, and emotional health among seniors. Discuss how to implement these programs in various communities.
- Technology and Aging: Explore the latest technological advancements that can aid the elderly in maintaining independence and staying connected. Discuss best practices for introducing and teaching new technology to seniors.
- Intergenerational Engagement: Discuss strategies to foster meaningful interactions between different age groups, and how these interactions can benefit both seniors and younger generations.
- Challenges in Caregiver Support: Address the unique challenges faced by caregivers of the elderly. Share resources, support networks, and strategies for providing effective assistance.
- Advocacy and Policy Updates: Stay informed about recent policy changes affecting the aging population. Discuss how to advocate for seniors’ rights and needs at the local and state levels.
Why Participate?
- Professional Development: Enhance your facilitation skills and gain insights from your peers.
- Networking: Build connections with professionals across the aging network.
- Collaborative Learning: Contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge and experiences of your colleagues.
We look forward to hearing your ideas and making the MCOA Fall Conference a truly collaborative event!
Apr 26, 2024 | Education & Training, News
With April showers (hopefully) giving way to May flowers, I’m reflecting on my first six fulfilling months at MCOA. The transition has been incredibly smooth thanks to the warm welcome I’ve received from the MCOA team and the broader network. I’m excited to see what the rest of the year brings, and I’m feeling grateful for the support and camaraderie I’ve found here.
My first month was a whirlwind of learning about the unique aspects of senior centers and the municipalities they serve. From countless Zoom meetings with each of my colleagues to SIG RFP proposals to transitioning from being a Google nerd to a Microsoft newbie…it has all been amazing!
While I had previously spoken at many senior centers in my role as an AARP presenter, I have had the pleasure of visiting 11 COAs since starting my role as Training and Education Manager for MCOA. This has included a few in-person trainings, celebrations, staff meetings, and just stopping in for a tour and a chat! I hope to get out to many more in the future!
Since joining MCOA in November, we’ve hit the ground running, offering training on leadership, strategic planning, hoarding disorder, grant writing, and even navigating end-of-life conversations. The overwhelming response to our training survey fuels my excitement for the future – I can’t wait to see what new topics we can bring to the network!
To keep this (first ever) blog post short, I extend my deepest gratitude towards all of YOU! I look forward to meeting so many of you at the upcoming Spring Symposium (go register now if you haven’t already) or at future trainings.
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
Apr 4, 2024 | Education & Training, Part Time
The Pembroke Council on Aging is seeking qualified applicants for the position of part-time afternoon/early evening Principal Clerk. This 19-hour-per-week position coordinates events, volunteers, senior tax work off staff and instructors and sets up spaces for workshops, seminars and other activities.
Maintains records and files and corresponds with the public.
A complete job description is available
here. Submit a letter of interest and resume to Gretchen Emmetts,
100 Center Street, Pembroke, MA 02359 or by email at This position will remain open until filled. Pembroke is an EOE.
Mar 5, 2024 | Education & Training

Do you want to enhance your grant writing skills? MCOA is excited to offer an online training on Grant Writing!
MCOA has partnered with Becky Scheuller to offer a two session training on grant writing via Zoom. There will be two options as shown below.
Register here:
Dates & Times
- Tuesday, April 2nd and Thursday, April 4th from 9am – 12pm
- Tuesday, April 2nd and Thursday, April 4th from 1pm – 4pm
- There will be an optional third session on Friday, April 5th from 12pm – 1:30pm
Please reach out to Andrea Cordis with any questions!
Feb 23, 2024 | Education & Training, News
Community Conversation on Behavioral Health and Older Adults
COA staff with an interest in behavioral health have a terrific opportunity to tune into a livestream event: Sage Stage of Life: Empowering Older Adults through Supportive Conversations, hosted by the Western Mass Department of Mental Health, Pioneer Valley Coalition for Suicide Prevention, and the Hadley Council on Aging. It takes place on Wednesday, March 6th from 1 – 3pm through Channel 191 and online at
Please consider inviting your community to watch at your Senior Center!
This event will provide an opportunity for supportive conversations and skill-building for older adults, local organizations, and community members. Four topics will include: isolation and connection, sex and love in the later years, grief and loss, and stigma and emotional wellness.
Panelists: (BIOS)
■ Dr. Jane Mildred, Amherst Neighbors, on Isolation and Connection
■ Tammy Nothe-Hebert, Center for Human Development, on Sex and Love
■ Maureen Callahan Smith, author, on Grief and Loss
■ Colleen Sondrini, The Brien Center, on Stigma and Emotional Wellness
For any questions, please reach out to Celest Clerk:
Feb 16, 2024 | Education & Training, News
Transportation and Mobility Coordinators Meeting March 15 at 10:00 AM
Join us for a continuation of our discussion in January on Transportation Options. Maria Foster, Community Outreach Specialist at the Brookline COA, and Jane Gould, PhD, author of “Aging in Suburbia” will present their videos and training for older adults. Maria and Jane have been and will continue to be on the road (pun intended) training older adults in Massachusetts communities.
See 2024_Uber_Lyft_Flyer for more information about these classes for older adults. Maria and Jane are looking forward to garnering feedback from you! Mark your calendars and register now!
Jane Gould, PhD is the author of “Aging in Suburbia,” a book about transportation choices and future mobility. She is trained as a transportation planner and has more than fifteen years of experience developing campaigns for transit and public agencies. She keeps an interactive blog on technology,, and has been an active trainer for Ridehail since 2016.
Maria Foster, Community Outreach Specialist, manages all program development and administration for TRIPPS. She and Jane have taught over 30 classes on driving retirement, transportation, and Uber & Lyft. Maria is responsible for all the transportation services provided by the Council on Aging. Maria is from the Boston area and has over 15 years of experience with program planning, implementation, and adult learning.
Dec 18, 2023 | Education & Training, News

Leadership Development
Leading Yourself | Leading Others | Leading the Organization
Join Jacquie Collins of Partnering for Performance in this leadership series focusing on three areas of Leadership Development: Leading Yourself, Leading Others, and Leading the Organization.
This is a highly interactive series and will include multiple exercises and small group discussions.
Topical areas include:
- Emotional Intelligence
- Mindset
- Executive Function in terms of Planning, Execution and Problem Solving;
- Critical Thinking Skills;
- Communication and Decision Making;
- Collaboration and Team Building.
MCOA is investing in you, our COA Directors!