The following email is from Alexis Walls, Assistant Campaign Director, Massachusetts Public Health Association. The MCOA Board of Directors has supported the RTA Advancement Bill. There is a link, below, that outlines the importance of this bill to older adults in your communities.
Here’s how you can take action:
Please contact your legislators THIS WEEK and ask them to sign Representative Natalie Blais and Senator Susan Moran’s Dear Colleague Letter urging the Joint Committee on Transportation to move the RTA Advancement bill (S.2277/H.3272) forward in the legislative process.  
We know that good public transit means better health for all. In the FY24 budget cycle, state leaders allocated $150 million to bolster transit operations in RTA communities, which agencies have begun to use to address critical gaps in service. Now it is important that we protect this historic level of investment by encouraging legislators to pass the RTA Advancement bill.

Taking action is easy, and your legislators wants to know what you think:

  • Find your State Senator and State House Representative by following this link:
  • Reach out to your legislators and ask them to sign onto Rep. Blais and Sen. Moran’s Dear Colleague letter. While calls have the most impact (see phone script here), emails are great too (see email template here)!
  • Reach out to 2-3 close friends or colleagues and ask them to take action.
  • Let us know that you took action by sending me a quick email or by following this link.