logo with text MCOA and active agers and stylized human figure in spread eagle poseMCOA’s ActiveAgers (ActiveAgers) is an exciting new initiative aimed at promoting physical activity and enhancing the quality of life for seniors across Massachusetts. This program shines a spotlight on the diverse and dynamic fitness programs offered by local Councils on Aging (COAs), centers for active living, and senior centers. By bringing together these programs under the ActiveAgers umbrella, MCOA aims to create a supportive community focused on health, wellness, and active living for seniors.

A Collective Approach to Wellness

ActiveAgers is more than just a fitness program; it is a collective movement that recognizes and rewards participation, welcomes individuals of all abilities, and celebrates the efforts of COAs and their participants. The initiative is built on the existing work of COAs, enhancing and expanding their physical activity offerings.

How ActiveAgers Works

  1. Run Physical Activity Programs: COAs continue to operate their physical activity programs, which can include a variety of activities such as yoga, walking clubs, dance classes, and more.
  2. Submit Participation Data: COAs track and submit data on participation, helping to measure the program’s reach and impact.
  3. Get Ready to Win: Participation is recognized and rewarded. COAs and individuals can earn accolades and incentives for their involvement and achievements.
  4. Celebrate: Celebrate the collective accomplishments and the positive impact on community health and well-being.

Resources and Support


The ActiveAgers Toolkit 2024 is a comprehensive resource designed to support COAs and participants. It includes:

Program Guidelines: Detailed instructions on how the program works.

Messaging Samples and Ideas: Tools for COAs to promote their programs and engage participants.

Participant Resources: Information and tips for individuals to get the most out of their involvement in ActiveAgers.

Join the Movement

We invite all seniors and COAs across Massachusetts to join the ActiveAgers initiative. Together, we can create a vibrant community of ActiveAgers, dedicated to living healthier, more active lives. Let’s get moving and celebrate the strength and spirit of our senior community!

For more information and to get involved, contact Tara Hammes or contact your local COA.