ActiveAgers launching in April!
It’s that time of year where we usually launch the Walk Massachusetts Challenge. While we always support walking, we’re expanding the annual physical activity program celebrating your efforts at the local level. May we introduce, MCOA’s ActiveAgers program!
MCOA ActiveAgers is a statewide umbrella under which councils on aging (COAs) can execute their own fitness-related challenge. Each COA may create or identify an existing fitness program encouraging regular activity. Programs must run for a minimum of one day for four consecutive weeks in calendar year 2024.
The MCOA Active Agers program:
- is inclusive to all, flexible on ability levels and adaptable to existing local resources
- focuses on recognition more than competition
- provides a simple toolkit containing templates, tools, suggestions and more for COAs short on time, resources or both
- incentivizes participation via raffle-based prizes to individuals and councils on aging
- incorporates monthly kick-off, wrap-up or celebration events throughout the state supported by MCOA staff
- establishes a statewide day of celebration in September
includes a robust social media campaign with a dedicated hashtag and publishing calendar, initiated by MCOA, and amplified by local programs.
While we’re officially launching this in April, eligible programs run since January 1 (and their participants) are eligible for prizes. Gather up your data and stay tuned for submission instructions and more information.
We look forward to celebrating all the ActiveAgers this year!
For questions, contact Tara Hammes at