How do you participate in ActiveAgers?

We’re receiving this question often and thrilled to see the interest! If you’re running any physical activity programs through your center, you’re essentially participating. To make it official, submit a summary of your classes with participation numbers (not names). All you need to do is export a report of your physical activity program from the software you’re using (My Senior Center, ServTracker, etc.)

We are collecting your data in two phases so we can hold two raffle drawings this year. Submit your first report by September 15. This report covers January 1 – August 30. See p.4 in the toolkit for more information. Winners will be drawn mid-September.

Remember to share your fitness stories online and use #ActiveAgers so we can easily find everyone across the state!

Contact 413-923-2160 with questions.


Action Alert for OAA Reauthorization Act of 2024!

We have the first reduction in the Older Americans Act nutrition program in years with an $8 million overall cut. Neither the Senate nor the House proposal has restored this cut. Convey your personalized message that cuts hurt! As there is no House bill, ask them to co-sponsor or publicly support S4776.


Become a SNAP Community Partner!

If your COA provides SNAP outreach or assistance, you can become a community partner and receive reimbursement for your efforts. If aren’t doing so but are interested, this message is also for you! Monthly SNAP Community Partner webinars are offered through UMass Medical. Contact and answer all your questions. Contact Jayna Mistry at, 508-856-3139


SNAP Restaurant Meals Program Pilot

There are now fourteen restaurants and food truck statewide accepting SNAP benefits as payment. Six more are becoming certified. Search here to find an establishment near you.