2024 Nutrition News You Can Use

Nutrition News You Can Use – Organized by month, MCOA Simmons University interns provide nutrition information and recipes tied to disease prevention and health observances. COAs are welcome to copy and paste all or parts of the copy provided. This includes the color photos (and credits) available at the end of each article. Shorten the copy to fit in your newsletter, social media, etc. Use them sporadically or for a year-long series. Let us know if you need additional subject matter created!


– Fiber & Plant-Based Foods
It’s Veganuary! No, this does not mean we’re encouraging you to become a vegan, but to learn to embrace plant-based eating. Read/Download

February – National Cherry Mont
Cherries are in season, so let’s head to our nearest grocery store to grab them. Read/Download

March – National Kidney Month
No, we aren’t talking about kidney beans, but your two kidneys! Read/Download

April – Arab American Heritage Month 
During the month of April, the Arab American Foundation celebrates the culture and achievements of Arab Americans across the nation. Read/Download

May – Celiac Disease Awareness Month
Since May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month it’s a great time to tackle misinformation that surrounds the gluten-free diet and celiac disease. Read/Download

June – Beet Season
Summer is officially here and so are beets. Read/Download

July – National Grilling Month
Who doesn’t love to get outside in the sun and grill their favorite foods? Read/Download

August– Healthy Aging with Fruits
It’s the warmest month of the summer, which means we’re spending more time in the sun. Read/Download

September – World Alzheimer’s Disease Month
Since this month is World Alzheimer’s Disease Month, we will be looking at how the consumption of nuts and seeds can positively impact brain health and delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Read/Download

October – Pumpkin & Your Vision
It’s October, which means we are officially carving pumpkins just in time for Halloween! Read/Download

November – It’s Soup Season!
Sandwiches are bread salads, but soups are liquid salads! Read/Download

December – Does Vitamin C Boost Immunity?
We might have to break one of the biggest health myths to end the year. Read/Download

Healthy Aging Takes Planning

Some people spend more time planning a vacation than they do the second half of their lives.  They plan where they’ll sleep, eat, and play.  But they don’t think about these things when it comes to the second half of their lives.  Planning for your retirement years can and should be just as intentional and comprehensive as planning that vacation!

Here are things you should take into consideration:

Social Connections
Too many older adults lose their social connections in later life and become isolated and alone.  Plan ways to meet new people and forge new friendships.  Create a “circle of care” of people who you can turn to for help and advice.  Also, visiting your senior center to play cards, take a class, exercise, or have lunch with friends can help you find and make new friends to connect with.

Get and Stay Active
Experts in healthy aging agree – we have to include aerobic movement, like walking, as well as load bearing training, like light weight training, into our everyday lives if we want to maintain good health and stay independent.  Your Senior Center likely has a number of classes to help you stay active, no matter your fitness level.  Find an activity that gets you moving, whether it be walking with a group, chair yoga, or Zumba.  Adding exercise to your weekly plan benefits you physically, mentally and socially.

You Are What You Eat
Eating a balanced diet is important because your organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, and poor performance.  Many community programs help us find and buy healthy foods – from community farm shares, food pantries, commodity food distribution programs, group meals in senior centers and other community centers, and more.  Learn how to prepare healthy meals and talk with a senior center director to learn about ways to stretch your food budget by using some the programs listed above.

Practice Financial Fitness as Well
Practicing financial fitness may be one of the most important things you undertake!  Planning for your retirement and a drop in income can make a great difference in your later years.  Putting a little away into savings each month and living within your means can make a great deal of difference in your later financial freedom.  If your employer matches contributions in a retiree plan, that is ‘free money’ so make sure to take advantage of it! If you are retired, form a household budget and stick to it.  If you need to earn more income, consider a part time job or sharing housing or lowering your expenses by using the senior citizen income tax credit and property tax relief programs of your town. Visit your senior center to talk with a  SHINE Health insurance councilor to lower medical costs and the outreach worker to lower food, heating, housing and transportation costs.

Take Care of Your Emotional Well-being
Too many of us were taught that you just “buck up” or “turn that frown upside-down,” when you are sad, rather than asking for help.  Admitting we were sad was viewed as a sign of weakness.  In truth, it takes an incredibly strong person to admit they are sad or confused and to reach out for help.  Everyone has down days, but if you’re just not feeling like yourself, talk to your healthcare provider or a trusted staff member at your senior center.

Everyone is Aging
We’re all getting older, but social isolation, financial insecurity, disease, physical decline, and depression don’t have to be accepted as normal ways to age.  Happy and healthy aging can be as natural as getting older is!

Town of Littleton | Assistant Director


Full-time 40hrs/week

Full Salary Range: $74,291.04 – $92,769.84 per year,

DOQ Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Town of Littleton is seeking qualified applicants for a full time 40 hour/week, benefit eligible Assistant Director position in the Elders and Human Services Department. Under the direction of the Director, the EHS Assistant Director provides skilled administrative, clinical, technical, and professional support to ensure the successful administration and management of the programmatic, budgetary, and business operations of the EHS Dept.

This role will provide supervision of key divisions, strategic initiatives and programs, and social service support as assigned by the EHS Director. This position requires tact and discretion working in a flexible and cooperative work environment. In the absence of the EHS Director, the Assistant Director is responsible for the supervision of the office staff and daily operation of the department. Performs all other related work as required.

Successful candidates will possess a Bachelor’s degree in social work, human services, or related field; two years’ experience in working with the elderly and/or other at-risk populations facilitating referrals to community agencies; or any equivalent combination of education and experience. Residency is not required. A complete job description can be found at https://ma-littleton.civicplus.com/Jobs.aspx.

This is an exempt position governed by the Employee Handbook and Personnel ByLaw. Application with cover letter and resume should be sent to jobs@littletonma.org. This position will be subject to a thorough background check.

Applications will be accepted until Tuesday, April 2, 2024. The Town of Littleton is an EOE.

Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services – Coordinated Systems Demonstration

Agency Name:
Administration for Community Living

Description: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support projects which enhance the quality, effectiveness and proven outcomes of nutrition services programs within the aging services network. The Older Americans Act (OAA) provides funding to States and Tribal Organizations to support a broad array of services that enable older adults to remain in their homes and communities and assist family and informal caregivers to care for their loved ones for as long as possible. More information is located here: https://acl.gov/programs/health-wellness/nutrition-services. Through this program, funds will be used to foster the development, testing and replication of innovative service delivery models, policies and partnerships that improve collaboration and coordination between OAA nutrition programs and multi-purpose senior centers. Projects proposed under this grant program must have the potential for broad implementation throughout the aging services network.

Link to Additional Information: https://acl.gov/grants/open-opportunities

T-Mobile Hometown Grant Application Q1 2024

Get up to $50,000 to bring your community project idea to life.

The T-Mobile Hometown Grants program funds projects to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections in your town. Projects should be shovel-ready, physical builds or improvements that can be completed within 12 months of receiving Hometown Grants funding.

Examples of eligible projects include but are not limited to: adaptive uses of older and historic buildings into community gathering spaces, improvements to outdoor parks or trails, and technology projects for the public library.

Massachusetts Community Health & Healthy Aging Funds Request for Proposal (RFP) January 2024

2024 Funding Cycle is opening for applications! Grants can support community-centered approaches that disrupt barriers to health and their root causes including structural racism, poverty, and deep power imbalances.

Request for Proposal (RFP) | Please review the RFP for eligibility, funding priorities, and more.

Application Due Date: March 29, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST

USAging Opens Applications for Grants to Support Community Care Hubs

USAging’s Center of Excellence to Align Health and Social Care (COE) is now accepting applications for grants to support innovation and infrastructure costs for up to 20 community care hubs (CCHs).

These grants are intended to bolster CCH partnerships with health care organizations for coordinated access to and delivery of social care programs and services. They are part of the COE’s effort to develop, expand and support sustainable, high-functioning aging and disability CCHs and their networks of social care programs and service providers.

What You Need to Know:

  • Review the request for proposal (RFP) here.
  • Register here to attend an informational webinar | February 26 12:00 PM ET
  • Get started on your application and submit a Notice of Intent to apply here.
  • Application deadline: Tuesday, April 5, 2024, 5:00 PM ET.
  • Questions? Contact coe@usaging.org.

The COE will also provide CCHs with technical assistance and multi-level capacity-building efforts that promote whole-person care through the alignment of health, public health and social care systems.

The COE, part of the Aging and Disability Business Institute at USAging, is supported by ACL through a cooperative agreement totaling approximately $12 million over a three-year period with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS.

Town of Eastham | Council on Aging Hybrid Program Administrator

EmploymentPart Time, Grant Funded

The Town of Eastham Council on Aging seeks a grant funded Hybrid Program Administrator. This position is responsible for the administrative and technical work planning, developing, organizing, and implementing a variety of programs for the Council on Aging including civic, social, cultural, recreational, and fitness/wellness activities. Manages the production of both hybrid regular activities and hybrid special events. Oversees the maintenance and marketing of the center’s activities and events and works to develop relationships with Town departments, related agencies, organizations, and businesses. Assists the Director of the Council on Aging with needs assessments, program evaluations, and grant reporting. Provides customer service, administrative support, and physical and logistical support for hybrid programs and events. All other related work as required.

The job description and application are available online at  https://www.eastham-ma.gov/Jobs.aspx?UniqueId=100&From=All&CommunityJobs=False&JobID=Hybrid-Program-Administrator-Council-on–55

or can be picked at Town Hall at 2500 State Highway, Eastham.

Town of Merrimac | Senior Aide

Town of Merrimac COA & Senior Center seeks a part time(18 hours per week, non benefited position) COA Senior Aide to provide food preparation and cafeteria services in at the Merrimac  Senior Center; performs a variety of meal preparation and cleaning duties; performs all other related or similar duties as required; provide part time transportation services delivering meals to homebound seniors and driving clients to the senior center or medical appointments. Please contact Brienne Walsh, Executive Director, at (978) 346-9549 or via email at bwalsh@townofmerrimac.com for more details.

City of Fitchburg | Principal Clerk

Senior Center / Council on Aging | None
Rate of Pay: $48,412 – $52,844
Status: Accepting Applications
Details: Posting will remain open until filled.
The Principal Clerk is a public facing position which requires skilled administrative, technical, and financial work in supporting the activities of the Senior Center. Position is ideal for a detail-oriented, proactive individual who enjoys working with older adults and can successfully manage multiple competing priorities and projects in an environment with frequent interruptions.

Full Job Description

Principal Clerk ~ Senior Center 03.2024.pdf

Municipal Americans with Disabilities Act Grant

  • application is open May 1st to June 14th

The Massachusetts Office on Disability, (MOD) is pleased to announce the Municipal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvement Grant Programapplication and selection process. Eligible applicants include any Massachusetts city or town. These grants will support capital improvements specifically dedicated to improving programmatic access and/or removing barriers encountered by persons with disabilities in applicant facilities throughout the Commonwealth.  Grants will be awarded to successful applicants to remove barriers and create and improve accessible features and programmatic access for persons with disabilities throughout the Commonwealth.

Examples include but are not limited to increasing both physical access and programmatic access through the addition of features such as: ramps, elevators, power lifts and Limited Use/Limited Application (LULAs) signage, communication access devices, curb cuts and/or any other features that are designed to improve architectural access and/or programmatic access.  Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis to projects that demonstrate real and tangible positive impacts to persons with disabilities.

More information is available here.

Online Grant Training is here!

Do you want to enhance your grant writing skills? MCOA is excited to offer an online training on Grant Writing!

MCOA has partnered with Becky Scheuller to offer a two session training on grant writing via Zoom. There will be two options as shown below.

Register here: https://tinyurl.com/MCOAgrantreg

Dates & Times

  • Tuesday, April 2nd and Thursday, April 4th from 9am – 12pm
  • Tuesday, April 2nd and Thursday, April 4th from 1pm – 4pm
  • There will be an optional third session on Friday, April 5th from 12pm – 1:30pm

Please reach out to Andrea Cordis with any questions!


Sage Stage of Life: Empowering Older Adults through Supportive Conversations

Community Conversation on Behavioral Health and Older Adults

COA staff with an interest in behavioral health have a terrific opportunity to tune into a livestream event: Sage Stage of Life: Empowering Older Adults through Supportive Conversations, hosted by the Western Mass Department of Mental Health, Pioneer Valley Coalition for Suicide Prevention, and the Hadley Council on Aging. It takes place on Wednesday, March 6th from 1 – 3pm through Channel 191 and online at youtube.com/@HadleyMedia.

Please consider inviting your community to watch at your Senior Center!

This event will provide an opportunity for supportive conversations and skill-building for older adults, local organizations, and community members. Four topics will include: isolation and connection, sex and love in the later years, grief and loss, and stigma and emotional wellness.

Panelists: (BIOS)

■ Dr. Jane Mildred, Amherst Neighbors, on Isolation and Connection

■ Tammy Nothe-Hebert, Center for Human Development, on Sex and Love

Maureen Callahan Smith, author, on Grief and Loss

■ Colleen Sondrini, The Brien Center, on Stigma and Emotional Wellness

For any questions, please reach out to Celest Clerk: celeste.m.clerk@mass.gov


Transportation and Mobility Coordinators Meeting March 15 at 10:00 AM

Join us for a continuation of our discussion in January on Transportation Options. Maria Foster, Community Outreach Specialist at the Brookline COA, and Jane Gould, PhD, author of “Aging in Suburbia” will present their videos and training for older adults. Maria and Jane have been and will continue to be on the road (pun intended) training older adults in Massachusetts communities.

See 2024_Uber_Lyft_Flyer for more information about these classes for older adults. Maria and Jane are looking forward to garnering feedback from you! Mark your calendars and register now!


Jane Gould, PhD is the author of “Aging in Suburbia,” a book about transportation choices and future mobility. She is trained as a transportation planner and has more than fifteen years of experience developing campaigns for transit and public agencies. She keeps an interactive blog on technology, www.bemobilesmart.com, and has been an active trainer for Ridehail since 2016.

Maria Foster, Community Outreach Specialist, manages all program development and administration for TRIPPS. She and Jane have taught over 30 classes on driving retirement, transportation, and Uber & Lyft. Maria is responsible for all the transportation services provided by the Council on Aging. Maria is from the Boston area and has over 15 years of experience with program planning, implementation, and adult learning.

March MCOA Membership Meeting Agenda & Registration

                  Via Zoom March 7, 2023 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

 Agenda | REGISTER 

10:00 Welcome

• Emily Shea, MCOA Board Chair

10:05 Blue Cross Blue Shield Programming Opportunities within COAs
• Heather Hurd, Field Outreach Consultant, BCBS of Massachusetts

10:15 Training and Education Updates

• Andrea Cordis, MCOA Training and Education Manager

10:30 Cybercrime and Cyber Scams – Awareness and Strategies

• Assistant Special Agent in Charge Sean Garvey (Homeland Security Investigations), Christopher L. Celozzi, Community Relations Officer, Office of Partnership and Engagement (OPE) Department of Homeland Security

10:45 Voting Rights

• Emily Almeda-Lopez, Voting Rights Advocate, Disability Law Center, Inc.

11:00 Hoarding – MCOA’s New Series
• Lee Schuer, Certified Peer Specialist and Internationally Recognized Expert in Hoarding

11:45 Business Meeting

• Legislative Updates
• Board Nomination/Vote
• Membership Vote: After hearing from many members over the past 2 years, who were are unable to attend the annual meetings in June due to end of the year scheduling conflicts, please be prepared to vote on the following “tracked changes” amendment to MCOA Bylaws:


Section 5.1 MCOA Board will schedule annually the following meetings.

1. Membership Meetings shall be held at least four times a year.

2. An Annual Meeting shall be held during the annual Fall Conference before June 20 of every year to elect members of the Board, including new officers and Regional Representatives, to begin their tenure at the start of the fiscal following calendar year, July January 1st.

12:00 * Please note the Advisory Council will meet from 12:00 – 12:30 pm

Town of Townsend | Council on Aging Transportation Administrator – Lead Van Driver

The Town of Townsend seeks qualified applicants for the position listed above, at an hourly wage of $19.16 /hour, working 35 hours per week.


The essential functions or duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various type of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position.

• Provides elderly and disabled residents with the transportation they need and ensure they are treated with dignity, respect, and patience.
• Assists clients in getting to and from various destinations such as medical offices, stores, banks, etc. Providing additional assistance to passengers using wheelchairs, walkers and canes.
• Schedules and communicates with per diem drivers. Ensures that they know what is expected of them and that they are current with their training.
• Maintains all transportation-related records.
• Schedules drivers and dispatching rides on the senior center van.
•Administers maintenance, cleaning and service for the senior center van.
• Ensures that the senior center van is available and running Monday-Friday (discounting holidays) and for any other scheduled events.
• Drives the senior center van.

The full Job Description and the Townsend Employment Application may be found at www.townsendma.gov/human-resources.

Town of Clinton Council on Aging | Program Coordinator

The Town of Clinton Council on Aging is seeking a full-time Program Coordinator who will develop and coordinate activities that provide services and programs that include health, education, nutrition, and recreation.

Associate’s degree in business or specialized education focused on seniors, preferred; with at least two (2) years of experience in planning and supervising recreational activities, preferably with seniors; or any equivalent combination of education, training, and experience; Possession of CPR and First Aid certifications (or ability to obtain and maintain such certifications within one year of hire), along with considerable knowledge of first aid methods and safety precautions used in recreational programming; Must successfully pass a criminal background check (CORI); and, Availability to work some evenings, weekends, and holidays, as required.

To see the full job ad and description, please go to the employment opportunities page, www.clintonma.gov/jobs To apply, please send your cover letter and resume to: dgoodsell@clintonma.gov , open until filled EOE/AA