ActiveAgers launching in April!

It’s that time of year where we usually launch the Walk Massachusetts Challenge. While we always support walking, we’re expanding the annual physical activity program celebrating your efforts at the local level. May we introduce, MCOA’s ActiveAgers...
Every Month is Nutrition Month

Every Month is Nutrition Month

As we wind down National Nutrition Month (NNM®), let’s remember good nutrition is important at every life stage. Being well nourished is key to healthy aging. After all, who doesn’t want to avoid chronic diseases, falls, hospitalizations and more? Here you...

Nutrition News You can Use | Novemeber 7, 2023

Continuing Resolution With the partial government shutdown looming again, please note SNAP funding will not be impacted and benefits through December will be distributed. Also, the current continuing resolution provides FY23 funding levels of the Older Americans Act....